Hotel Offers

Last minute offers and promotions in Trapani

We have selected some special offers dedicated to our guests, bookable only through our website: last minute offer, offers for special periods, discounted rates for long periods

If you were looking for other valid reasons to choose Qui Vicino as an alternative solution to the hotel in Trapani, we can offer our super special offers: discounted rates, promotions and last minute offers. All offers are available only for bookings through our website, by sending an email or by contacting us by phone.

Non-refundable and insured rates

Non-refundable and insured rates

Find out our non-refundable and insured rates, ideal for saving money and/or to avoid unpleasant surprises, pandemics included

Special rates for long stays

Special rates for long stays

Choose Qui Vicino for a stay of at least 3 nights and you can benefit from a strong discount on the rate

Launch offer 3x2

Launch offer 3x2

Let's celebrate the beginning of our adventure together: Qui Vicino opens its doors and offers a free night

Discover Trapani